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Join our online beginners course that has been carefully curated to offer you a broad, fun and alignment focused introduction to yoga for the reduced price of $9 NZD (RRP $99 NZD).

We will help set you up for a wonderful yoga experience in your own home, on your own timeline and while you are supported by a fabulous likeminded online community.

Beginners yoga is a wonderful introduction to kick off your yoga journey, in a safe, supported and fun way.

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Fit for Life - Lifetime access

You are ready to end the cycle of dieting, worrying about what you ate, when you ate it and counting your calories.

You can look and feel fit and fabulous for the rest of your life. Having the body that supports your lifestyle vision is not out of reach for you. The 'what' you need to do, to create your fit and fabulous body for life is easy.

'How' you do it is unique to you. In Ayurveda and Yoga we recognise that you are completely unique. You have a different longing for the life you want to live today, and a different vision for yourself in the later years of life.  Therefore yours will be a unique and different path to take you to your unique body for your life.

What does having a fit, strong, healthy, and vibrant body mean to you?:

  • Able to climb mountains/temples/stairs in foreign countries and travel to exotic places?
  • Able to get up off the ground with ease?
  • Able to keep up with the younger people in your life?
  • Able to keep playing sports you love?
  • Able to run, walk, cycle, swim, dance, garden, do yoga, ski when you want with ease?
  • Look and feel fabulous for your age and have people think you are much younger than you are?
  • Feel comfortable in your body and clothes?
  • Living without the endless negative mind chatter of worrying about your eating, belly fat rolls and instead loving the body you are in.

You are in control of the body you have and the life you live. Decide today to design your lifestyle to support yourself to feel fit and fabulous and have a fit and fabulous body for life.

What People Are Saying:

The weekly program of yoga, readings and gratitude have allowed me to get in touch with me. I really enjoyed the recommended TED talk on creating new habits and I have decided to read my book for 15 minutes per day for 30 days. Then I can choose something else. I am really taking care of myself which is something I wasn't expecting to focus on when I signed up for the "Yoga to Transform Sleep" course but I'm loving it!

- Dinah

I found your sessions catered to all levels of fitness and had such a calming quality sometimes I would just watch because I found your manner and voice very very soothing

- Lyn